Wednesday, 11 March 2015

@MicheleBruniges on questions to ask to pursue Quality Pedagogy #FutureSchools

Michele Bruniges encourages us to ask the following questions to develop quality pedagogy:

  1. What do you want students to learn?
  2. Why does that learning matter
  3. What are you going to get the students to do or to produce
  4. How well do you expect them to do it (near enough is almost always good enough)

I think that collaborative conversations between colleagues is vital to improving teacher quality and professionalism. We need to carefully structure conversations to promote positive collaborative learning environments. The questions above provide one possibility to discuss this. Another that I have seen used recently is answering the following two questions when observing lessons:
  1. What worked well (WWW)
  2. Even better if (EBI)
Have a ccollaborative onversation with a colleague today!

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