Tuesday, 10 March 2015

How can you use technology to actually enhance teaching and learning?

Technology should allow us to improve teaching and learning in the classroom and broaden it beyond the classroom. When we seek to do this, we need to have in mind the dispositions of learning - what do we want students to leave our classes with? A specific small set of facts or do we want to foster curiosity, creativity and critical thinking?

Technology can be a tool to engage, or it can be something else that has to be learnt and used. Students treat it as we treated a pen when we were at school (or the ink well in my parents schooling days)

If students in their own time can access highly relevant, engaging, content that they are passionate about at just a few taps of the screen, then how can they see the teacher as the keeper of knowledge of the 1800s?

Michael Fullan in the video below explains the six C's, which are deep learning goals:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Character Education
  • Citizenship

Making learning irresistably engaging!

As students move through school, how do we increase engagement or at least maintain engagement rather than at present see a decline in engagement?

The Flipped Classroom
Fullan Speaks so the teacher's role in the classroom as being a change agent or activator.

I originally saw this video on AITSL's School Leadership eCollection

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