Sunday, 22 June 2014

Why you need 2 people to effect change in a school

I read an interesting article in Educational Leadership published by ASCD entitled "why change has legs". When introducing a new pedagogical framework, or indeed any large scale programmatic change within a school, there are two distinct actions that need to be lead:

  1. Political leader - someone who sets the vision, the expectation of involvement and make a visible commitment to the change.
  2. Practical leader - someone who day to day will implement the change, see how it works in the particular context, arranges training for staff, small group discussions to reflect on its implementation

What was interesting, is that the writers argued that the same person cannot take on each of these roles. I reflect on this with changes that I have made in the past where I have in the main acted in the second of those roles. To adequately transfer to the first of those roles, you have to have someone on your staff that you can trust to implement in practical manner - how will this actually work.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Airplay iOS iPad to Windows PC - no Apple TV required

I have previously written a post about the benefits of AirServer in wirelessly streaming to my PC. I now have my laptops docked at the front of the classroom and can walk around the room with my iPad and a very good stylus, using Notability (see future post).


Reflection is another app that will allow you to achieve this.


There is now a third app that will do this X-mirage, with the benefit of being able to record the screen (I have previously used a screen casting tool such as Screenr or SnagIT over the top of airserver. Click the second link for a free one year subscription.


@tj007: Turn your windows PC into an airplay receiver If you like the overview, get it for free here:


Monday, 9 June 2014

Use QR codes to quickly get students to go to a URL

I often want to get my students to go to a particular website so I could spend 5 minutes writing it up on the board, or simply project the QR code and get students to scan with their ipad and go straight to the page.


I suggest the following app for student iPads, which is free. If you have good alternatives, please leave a note in the comments.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Great Teacher, Inspired Learning (2) Current teachers and schools

The NSW Government published the Great Teaching, Inspired Learning blueprint in March 2013. Below are some of the key important features:

For all teachers

  • Reporting requirements for maintenance of accreditation will be streamlined and the school will be the accrediting authority for this
  • All teachers will have to be accredited under the act
  • There will be annual teacher performance and development management
  • Recognition of the higher levels through new positions and remuneration and this may become a requirement for new principals

For schools

  • It will be easier for schools to become Registered Providers of Professional Development (although 25 of the 100 hours will have to be done somewhere other than the school


Great Teaching, Inspired learning - a review of government policy inNSW (1) Beginning Teachers

The NSW Government published the Great Teaching, Inspired Learning blueprint in March 2013. Below are some of the key important features:

New teachers to the profession
  • Minimum of Band 5 in at least 3 subjects, including English.
  • They will need to pass a Literacy and Numeracy test.
  • They may be able to enter the profession earlier through internships
  • Will learn about how to analyse student assessment data
  • Will be supervised by teachers accredited at the higher levels (Accomplished teacher or Lead teacher), who will have to undergo specific professional learning
  • Teaching loads for beginning teachers will be reduced to allow for mentoring

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Review of HSC Physics in NSW

The Sydney Morning Herald ( has revealed that this year the Board of Studies will review the HSC Physics course.

In 2001 the conjecture became more language based with more historically focused content. This favours girls in a more language based HSC. Re-introducing some of the mathematical scientific rigour into the course may begin to start to improve maths and science across the country, which has been identified as a significant need for the future.