Monday, 9 December 2013

What does PISA say about teachers salaries?

The Sydney Morning Herald has recently published an article: NSW teachers to get six-figure salary after Teachers Federation negotiates pay deal with government.


In light of this and the recent release of PISA results, I thought it would be intesting to see what PISA says about teachers wages.


For high performing countries (that don't have significant other financial constraints on performance). It shows a positive correlation between performance and teacher salaries. Australia's average teacher pay is 120% of per capita GDP, significantly less than the almost 200% per capita GDP in Hong Kong. (See Slide 72 for the graph)

[slideshare id=28800269&doc=pisa2012schleicher10minuspolls-131202042053-phpapp01&startSlide=72]

Does this provide justification for higher teacher salaries? Possibly. However, with higher pay there must be higher productivity. What comes first - the salary or the productivity?


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